Maker Faire Berlin 2017
Maker Faire Berlin time again! The event took place on 10th and 11th of June Juni at the “Station” Berlin, close to Gleisdreieck. More than 15,000 visitors came – which is one of the main reasons that Maker Faire Berlin 2018 will be at FEZ Berlin.
It was already our 3rd time at Maker Faire Berlin. And it was as good as always!! It really is recommendable to join this great event. Whether Arduino, R2D2, different kinds of robots, self-made jewellery or steampunk: Makers’ ideas were awesome, involving knowledge, creativity and time to develop.
We had two presentations about our brick system on Saturday and Sunday as well as a workshop in which participants could test our bricks and we explained the most important basics of electronics to them: What is an electric circuit? How does a resistor work? What can you do with a transistor? These questions and more were answered during the workshop.
We will definitely be back next year!
What about you?