Studying electronical enginnering with bricks – progress report of a student
NOR-, NAND-, OR-… Logic circuits are no problem for me anymore.
But first let me present myself: I´m studying electrical engineering at the university in Munich since march 2014. At the second, I´m in the third semester, by the way quite successfully. It is not least thanks to the Brick´R´knowledge sets.
While my fellow students still plug in their experiments into breadboards, I just grab my Advanced Set and recreate the circuits clearly arranged and comprehensible.
At a glance,i can see how the cicuits are working, why or why not.
The bricks are a great help for understanding, especially in the subjects “digital technology” (logic gates) and “electonical circuits” (in particular OPV, transistors).
Since I also have to pass several mandatory internships, I can exploit the brick system for pre / postprocessing. The aim of the internships should be to put the theoretical knowledge into practice. That´s were the brickscome into play: The circuit diagrams are very easy to understand! And what could be nicer for a student than to achive great results with little work?
My conclusion: For electronical engineering, the bricks constitute a real enrichment. In every semester, there´s at least one subject, in which they come in handy. The sets will definitly accompany me along my way.